When Classic Lit and Professional Wrestling Collide
Posted by Brett Reistroffer on
Was anyone out there asking for a mash-up between The Texas Rattlesnake and one of the early 19th century's premier dramatists of the written page? Hell no, but we made one anyway because that's what awkward book nerds do. The Venn Diagram intersection of professional wrestling fans who are educated enough to read classic literature and English majors who are dumb enough to watch wrestling is a mighty fine sliver, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a shirt of their own to wear.

Is it a wrestling shirt or a book shirt? Who knows! But you should still check out the new Jane Austen 3:16 in the shop, available in men's and women's styles up to 5XL! It's like having new wrestling merch and book swag at the same time.
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